JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge (JCLC)General InformationThe United States Army and the Kentucky National Guard expends an incredibly large amount of resources hosting and educational opportunity for selected Army Junior ROTC students and the event is called the "JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge." The JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge (formally called summer camp)is a residential educational training environment that only last five days. The encampment we attend is located at the Wendell H. Ford Regional Training Center located near Greenfield, Kentucky. Our camp date begins on June 9th and we will return to North Bullitt High School the afternoon of June 13th.
The diverse curriculum for JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge camp consists of a physical fitness test, leadership reaction course, high-ropes course, rappelling on a 50 foot tower, construction of a one rope bridge, obstacle confidence course, land navigation, rafting, water survival training and intramural athletics. Although all of the previously mentioned training events are fun, the most dynamic educational experience each student will benefit from is the leadership opportunities offered during this encampment. Our group, also referred as a company, will be comprised of several different high schools from Kentucky and Tennessee (see list below) where our Eagle Battalion cadets will live with, work with, lead and follow cadets leaders from these various schools. The primary goal is to allow every student to experience at least one leadership position while at the JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge camp. By now I am sure you are asking yourself what is the cost and what process is used to select cadets to attend this world class educational adventure. First, we provide virtually everything that is required to this encampment (transportation, housing, meals, uniforms, etc.). There are a small number of items each student must provide such as underwear, toiletries items, towels, blanket, swimming suit, etc. (see parent packet for packing list). We will select cadets for the JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge camp who are activity involved in our Junior ROTC program, who are in good academic standing, who have good attendance records, who exhibit good behavior in and outside of the classroom and who have displayed promising leadership potential for the following school year. Currently, we have allocations for seven male cadets and six female cadets. Lastly, it is absolutely mandatory that every cadet who attends the JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge camp to have full medical and dental insurance. Please do not hesitate to contact us at (502) 869-6279 if you have any questions regard our upcoming JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge encampment. JCLC Video-2022Specific
JCLC Slide presentation Policies and Equipment Requirements